Friday, May 14, 2010 @ 3:39 PM
If there is one thing I hate most in life would be me being kept uncertain of thingsI often want to get to the root of the problem asap, I never want to leave a problem unsolved before sleeping and my mood really fluctuates when I am left to paranoia.
Anyhow, random topic of the day.
Sometimes, I do think that being female is tough.
Let's just talk about the physical aspects.
We have a lot of pampering items etc in life yes, however the changes our bodies have to endure monthly is no small feat to some.
I have friends who roll over in pain every month and cannot do anything about it.
My symptoms, ever since I started working, were a hassle.
Some have pimples, some have appetite increasing and a lot of other symptom.
There was once, I did not eat the entire day and just had one red bean bun.
By standards of any other normal day I had then, it was definitely alright, I was used to it.
However, the "aunt" decided to visit that day.
The pain was so excruciating, the cold sweat was forming on my forehead and I almost passed out in a toilet cubicle. My eyeballs just kept rolling upwards and I knew that it I didn't get out of the cubicle, I was going to be found lying there.
My situation escalated ever since I got hospitalized and when the gastric started.
Pains were more frequent and inevitable, sometimes even had to take medication, I never used to take any at all man.
The worse however, would be the fatigue. Damn.
I find that I can sleep for more than 15hrs straight on the day before it arrives.
Just because I am that tired.
The week thereafter, sheer tiredness.
I find myself adopting other habits like further consumption of coffee or sugar to help with keeping awake, to little avail.
Thus, sometimes, when the guys at work or around me like to poke fun at women having PMS or just plain insult, I do fervently wish one day somehow they magically morph into a girl version of themselves.