Hello, can you hear me?,
I hear you say you do

Gotta be somebody out there.
But for now, I'll concentrate on loving you

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Saturday, August 15, 2009 @ 9:52 AM
Got woken up today by a call from one of my managers.

"Why you never come today?". she exclaimed. Today was the supposed day for our company conference.

"Doc's appointment!", I lied, I just really didn't want to go as I went last year -.-

"You won something for your photograph leh!"

Hahahaha. This is funny.

I sent in this photo:

taken with a 3.2MP cam phone as well.

In case you guys don't remember , it was an inspection of a fire hydrant. We had to do it in the RAIN somemore.

Last night was a fast sleep due to the fact I didn't sleep at all on Thurs night.

Thanks to Cousin CF and Weeky, I had some companionship near the break of dawn.

Friday I went to my aunt's house early and they brought me to the chiropractor. AWESOME UNCLE, I tell you, he only did foot reflexology and my neck and back felt better!

I then fell asleep.

Was supposed to meet ZX for the movie UP, which I so anticipated as I read in the Fmylife.com page about several adults crying like crazy, as it was a rather deep show, and that children still found it funny.

I didn't wake up on time, ZX called to say that all cinemas were sold out anyway and he just bought food for me all the way to my house and well as some muscle plasters before he went off again to the night.

I fell asleep again after eating till this morning.

Ta dah.
